Thursday, May 31, 2007

Exams galore

Was speaking to a friend day before and he requested me to blog about life at ISB. People outside here are so curious to learn what goes on inside. as if we are guinea pigs being expiremented upon:) Not that I am complaining, I am still blogging right. Well, time has flown past like it always does. I never realised when two years in Greece ended, and this is a one year, jam packed MBA course. While we bid adieu to all the professors we have known for such a short period, and realised the term has ended, simultaneously, all brains were estimating, how much more do I need to put in for Statistics. Will I manage to make a B in economics? And the more ambitious amongst us, I am already within the A+ bracket, how much more do oil do I need to burn. Come exams and the popular hotspots change from CCDay to the library. People start talking in hushed voices on the phone, the rush for study rooms increases. 2 in the morning becomes the normal time to go for a walk. and you see lights on till 4. So much to do in so little time. The pressure is immense. And its not only studies. There were the elections today. The ISB Radio has started. Club meetings are happening. So much and so much more. I wonder if a guinea pig would have survived. Well, we are...So on that note, till the exams....Signing off .
RJ Madhur


Veena Hegde said...

good luck with the eggsams n the "RJ"ing........ u mke a wonderful A+ pig ;))

S.Ach said...

What you call Guinea-Pigism , I call that celebritydom. And every damn normal guy is interested in life of celebrities that he can never ever have :)